Thursday, July 30, 2009

Ashley is 11 Month Old Today

Today, Ashley is 11 month old already! As everyday passes by, she's becoming more and more like a toddler, my little baby soon won't be a little baby anymore.

Ashley's highlights and milestones are this months are:

1. She is more and more mobile. She crawls very fast, and doesn't like to sit still. In a blink of eyes, she can crawl from one room to another. Changing diaper and her cloth are becoming more and more difficult.

2. She crawls and follows you as you walk from one room to another. You go to the kitchen, she'll soon join you; you walk to the bedroom, she'll come and check out what you are doing. Just like a little cute doggy.

3. She can pull herself to stand everywhere. In her crib, by the sofa, coffee table, TV stand, name it, anything she can reach and pull herself, she has done that.

4. She can stand unsupported for a long time. One of her favorite things to do is to pull herself up by the coffee table, and starts grabbing anything she can reach, plays for a couple of seconds, and then picks it up and throws it on the floor. Things she can't reach? Don't worry, she knows to tip her toes so that she can reach for more things on the table and do more damages.

5. She got 2 teeth, both on the bottom of her month.

6. She's a fuzzy eater, but she loves to see what's on your plate. She crawls over and wants the food on your plate whenever you eat. She never refuses any food coming from your plate.

7. She is very vocal and can talk up a conversation in her crib when she wakes up in the morning.

8. She knows to close the microwave door, cabinet doors.

9. She points to things with her index finger.

10. She enjoys going to swimming pool, and loves to splash, giggle and laugh in the pool.

11. She's a big flirt. She loves to smile and wave at anyone that walks by her. And if you don't respond, her eyes will follow you, and she would babble more and wave more until you give her some sort of response. How could anyone not melt when they see such a cute baby?

12. She loves to dance and is very rhythmic. Every time the music is on, whether she sits or stands, she automatically shakes her body, bounces up and down and swings her head.

13. Got her very first cut by Daddy who didn't cut her bang evenly.

Here are some photos of Ashley during this month.

Hehe, look what I got!!

Hey, what is that inside my shirt???!!!!

Hmmm, I think I ate too much for lunch!!!

Cerisa, Mommy and me. Mommy is getting a bicep workout!

After a bad, uneven hair cut from Daddy. I still look SOOO cute though!

Hey, where are you going?

Mission Destruction in progress.

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