Sunday, April 19, 2009

Ashley's Growth Stories

1. Going to Sleep

Ashley is used to have Mommy and Daddy to put her to sleep at night and it seems she only wants Mommy or Daddy. Every night in the last two weeks, the nanny would try to rock Ashley to sleep, but she would cry and fuzz. She would stop crying right away every time Mommy takes over. Baby definitely has great sense of smell, they can smell and differentiate their mommies and daddies. It truly makes me feel great that my little angel needs and wants her Mommy. :-)

2. Roll, Roll Roll

Since Ashley started to roll in both directions, she loves rolling. She rolls on the sofa, on the floor, in her crib and on the bed. She loves to roll on Mommy & Daddy's big California king size bed. Every time I put her down on the bed, she would continuously rolling from one end of the bed to the other end. She discovers that by rolling, she can get to the places she wants and grabs the stuff she's interested in. So she would roll, roll roll to get to her destination. Putting cloth on her is getting tougher, the minute you put her down, she rolls, turn her over, she rolls again.

3. Stranger Anxiety

When Ashley was a little baby, we could pass her to anyone and she was fine with it. Lately, every time she meets a new person, she would stare and study the new face and constantly looking at me to make sure I am around. If I passed her to the new person too soon, she would start crying and I would have to hold her right away. She needs about 20 minutes or so to get comfortable with any new person.

4. Where are my toys?

Ashley started to realize that when she throws her toys away, the toys don't just disappear, they still exist but just missing. So she would look around on the floor for her toys. Small but important milestone.

5. Sleeping on her side

During the last couple of weeks, Ashley starts to sleep on her side.

6. Swing

This weekend is the first time I saw Ashley sitting on the swing, holding on to the handle bar and kicking her legs. She seems like a big baby now.

7. Head on the side

While Ashley is playing this week, she would pause and put her head on one side of her shoulder and smile as if she's making a photo gesture. It is so cute.

8. Sitting

Ashley is getting better sitting. She can sit fine if she doesn't grab anything.

9. Zipper

Ashley discovers zippers and she loves to pull it to unzip and zip it up. She would repeat the same thing over and over again, doesn't seem to be tired of it.

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