Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Ashley's Sleeping Story

Ashley used to sleep on her back with her whole body and hands swaddled in layers of swaddles for her first month. At the 2nd month, Mommy and Daddy decided not to swaddle her hands. Little did they know, every time she startled, she woke herself up. Mommy and Daddy had no clues what was waking Ashley up until they watched a DVD on how to put babies to sleep. It was then they realized that she was still too young to control her hand movements and that itself could wake her up. So Ashley was back to her swaddled stage for a while. It was until she mastered to control and coordinate her hands, Mommy and Daddy slowly stopped swaddling her hands after 3 months.

Since Ashley started to roll around in both directions in the last couple of weeks, she would kick and roll in her crib and ends up in the completely different part of the crib, sometimes even sleeping horizontally. Every now and then, she can roll to her side to sleep and then rolls back to her back. Smart Ashley also discovered a new game that if she kicks on the button on her music box hanging on the side of her crib, she can turn on and then off the music. She probably thinks that is a very fun game, so she would constantly kicking the music box turning on and off, on and off the music and then starts giggling.

An hour after Ashley was put to sleep last night, she started to kick and roll around as if she was "sleep rolling". After a couple minutes of kicking and rolling, somehow Ashley rolled from her back to her tummy and continued sleeping on her tummy. Wow, that was the very first time Mommy and Daddy saw Ashley roll to her tummy to sleep. Mommy and Daddy can not be sure if Ashley has done that before while they were sleeping. Excitements put aside, Mommy and Daddy did not want to take any chances of SID, so Mommy still went in and rolled Ashley back to sleep on her back. It will not be surprised to Mommy that one day after she wakes up she would find Ashley sleeping horizontally on her tummy at a small corner by the end of her crib.

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