Monday, May 4, 2009

Sour Food / Crawling Backward / Raspberry / Sippy Cup

Ashley loves solid food, well, most of the solid food. She's not quite used to the sour taste such as apple and berries. When she tastes the sour food, she squints her eye, shakes her head and makes a pucker face. Mommy and Daddy can not stop laughing.


Ashley is able to move backward, she can move about 3 meters or so from where she starts. Maybe this is a sign of her start crawling?


It's getting more difficult to feed Ashley. Since the last week, she doesn't seem to be drinking and eating much. When she doesn't want to eat, she makes raspberry with her mouth and spits milk and food everywhere on the chair, her cloth and Mommy and Daddy's faces. She actually thinks this is funny and starts laughing.


Mommy got a sippy cup for Ashley to let her start learning to drink from a sippy cup. At first, she had no clue what it is. Just like everything we give her, she starts chewing on the cup. Slowly she figures it out, and starts using her hands to hold the handles, and sucking from the sprout. She is able to drink some water from it and of course she gets wet everywhere.


  1. Nathan also crawled backwards first. One day daddy used laptop, his favorite, as bait and successfully make Nathan move forward. He was 7.5 months old.

    When Ashley tries to eat using her hands, you may put some newspaper on the floor around the highchair. It may be easier to clean afterwards.
