Monday, June 15, 2009

Home Alone With Ashley 2 - Part 1

Daddy is traveling again and Mommy is once again left with Ashley alone. It's such bad timing this time since Mommy has RTL freeze and chip tapeout coming up and Mommy has been working every night until 12:30 AM or 1 AM the whole week and the weekend. In addition, the nanny's daughter just moved to US and so she can't stay overnight and help on the weekends.

The weekend started pretty good, Ashley was pretty cooperating. She was happy and playful, she ate, played and napped as usual. However, Sunday morning and this morning, for some strange reason, Ashley decided to wake up way early around 5 AM. She probably had a bad nightmare Sunday morning. She woke up crying around 4:30 AM, but soon fell asleep after Mommy patted her. But then it only lasted for an hour, at 5:30AM, she was awake and didn't want to go back to sleep anymore. Poor Mommy with huge headache and less than 5 hours of sleep had to wake up and started the daily routine. This morning, she didn't cry, but still woke up at 5 AM.

Poor Mommy is so exhausted and stressed out. I looked after her while she was awake, and when she was asleep, I was busy working and fixing bugs. I had terrible acne on my face and huge headache. I am hoping she will wake up later tomorrow.

However, it's still worth of all the work. Ashley sort of learned to kiss, well, more like licking. When she and I were playing on the bed, I moved over and kissed her cheeks, she would giggle, it might be funny to her. So she would then crawl over towards me, put her entire face against mine, and opened her mouth and kissed/licked me. My whole face was wet, and she giggled more. It was very sweet and cute. It is at moments like this, all my tiredness and stress all went away, and instead my heart is filled with happiness and joys.


  1. you're great, but take good care of yourself. I have taken care of Nathan every night myself since he was born. but I look much older than 2 years ago :-(

    so when daddy is away, mommy better get some extra help, like baby sitter, a few hours a day.

  2. Jun, I know exactly what you're talking about. I felt like I have aged a few years just in the last 9 months. Luckily, once Ashley goes to sleep, she doesn't wake up in the middle of night until the next morning.
